Welcome to Utopia! We are so pleased to share our way of life with you and look forward to helping you to“Look And Feel Your Best…For Life!”
If this is your very first visit to Utopia, we highly recommend that you call our friendly Guest Services Managers at 856.794.9200 so that they may assist you in scheduling your first appointment with us. This will help ensure that your requested services and service providers are the very best choice to meet your goals and maximize your experience.
Prior to scheduling your appointments online, we kindly request that you please read and agree to the following:
1. You are a current Utopia client.
2. Please schedule one appointment per service and time period.
3. If you need to cancel your appointment, please provide 24-48 hour notice
4. Please call us at 856.794.9200 if you are unsure how to book a specific service, to book additional services, multiple guests, or have any questions or concerns.
If you are booking services for yourself and additional family members, a group of friends, or a bridal, homecoming, prom, or birthday party, please call our Utopia Guest Services Managers at 856.794.9200 for the best booking options for you and your guests.
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